Sunday, August 9, 2009

The first step of my journey

I'm off an a new adventure! At the end of last school year, my husband and I decided to home school. I just really wanted more time to enrich my children's lives and their education. I just finished ordering all the books this week. I'm excited and nervous all at once. I'm a teacher and have been for some years now. But I'm not sure what it will be like teaching my children each day. What if they hate me as their teacher? What if I bomb keeping up with the schedule? I decided to start this blog as a way to connect with other parents out there as well as keep track of my own process in this journey. I hope to look back at this post in one year and see an amazing transformation in my life as well as my children's. I hope you'll walk with me on my expedition into the world of home schooling.


  1. I daresay you will absolutely LOVE it - and they will too!! :) I will watch along as you begin your year - we love it!
    SO fun that you left a comment today - I love to meet new bloggers!

  2. Thanks! I'll be looking forward to hearing your comments as I journey along.
