Saturday, August 29, 2009

My first week on the job

Well, we've just completed our first, official, full week of school. It was packed full- a little too full perhaps, but some things just can't be helped. The girls decided they wanted to add sewing and cooking to the list of subjects. It was the first week of the fall Kindermusik semester at my studio. There was also the MOSI Open House for homeschoolers all day on Tuesday, and Rachel celebrated her 10th birthday. She invited 8 girls over for a sleepover last night, so needless to say, our house was full of giggling, dancing, music, movies and nail polish! I may never recover! LOL

So what have I learned this week? Well...
  • homeschooling is going to keep me way busier than I ever dreamed!
  • flexibility is the key to my sanity.
  • dry erase boards and left handed children do NOT work well together!
  • both of my children are exceedingly stubborn, but in very different ways.
  • I should have done this a long time ago!

I'll post more when I can catch my breath, so until then...

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