Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Rock what you got.

We have really enjoyed studying ancient history this year. Last week, we began studying about the Middle Kingdom of Egypt. Egypt was a powerful country during this time period, but they were conquered by a nomadic people from Canaan called the Hyksos. As we were discussing the battle, I wanted to be sure that my children could visualize what we were discussing. I hadn't prepared any pictures ahead of time and didn't feel like interrupting the lesson to find one online. Here's the gist of the conversation.

Mom: The weapons and chariots that were used would have looked similar to... well actually, you know that episode where Bugs Bunny is fighting with Yosemite Sam, and he's riding in that chariot.

R: Yeah.

Mom: Well, their buggies would have looked a lot like that. And the swords would have looked like that other episode where the guy keeps saying, "Hasan Chop!"

R: Oh YEAH! Like the Prince of Egypt movie when the two princes are racing!!

Mom: Exactly!!

OK, so I realize that this is not the most conventional method of teaching. However, I truly think you have to make the lessons applicable or they just won't be motivated to learn it. The girls had recently been watching a Looney Tunes marathon, so I knew it would be fresh in their mind. Ask them in a year, and I guarantee that they will likely still remember this lesson. The moral of this story- Rock what you got, even if it's Looney Tunes!

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